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Comments on my Art

Ch.7-3 All the Joys of Heaven.jpg
“The most perfect translation of music into art that I have ever seen.” 

Artistic Collaborations

Featured Guest on Radio Show "A Drink of Water"
Host: Joyce Aldrich (Jan 2013)

Featured Artist at Colours in Music: Concert January 2016
Colours in Music: Art Show and Concert. Collaboration between Toronto Symphony Orchestra musicians and the Canadian Synesthesia Association (2016)

Invited to present existing paintings of music in January 2016. I was also commissioned to create paintings of the music of Synaesthete composers featured in chamber concert series, presented by TSO Associates. Members of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra performed pieces by Franz Liszt, Jean Sibelius, Olivier Messiaen, Amy Beach, and Duke Ellington.


Painting Sarasate at the Art Gallery of Ontario May 2013
Invited to present at Event for Educators at the AGO sponsored by OCAD University, May 2013. I discussed my creative process as demonstrated in “Painting Sarasate’s Music.”Participated in the Event for Educators and in Music Visualization Workshop at University of Toronto, Faculty of Music, as part of "Crossing Sensory Boundaries" in association with the 10th Annual Conference of the American Synaesthesia Association.


Synaesthesia: Marina's Story (Awarded Silver Medal) 2004

New York Film Festival - Arts Category

The award-winning “Marina’s Story” featured a 10-minute television presentation profiling Marina and her Paintings of Music. This was a nationwide broadcast on February 23rd, 2004 as part of the programme, CBC News: Sunday.

As a featured guest, I was invited to appear on the radio show, “A Drink of Water,” in January 2013. Music selections were based on synaesthetic experiences, seeing colour in sound, featuring the music of Joyce Aldrich, in addition to the music of other composers.


Comments from Listeners

“ Marina, I'm so glad we did the show. I was mesmerized by what you had to share. It makes this position well worth the effort when I know my guests have been able to share their gifts with my listeners and shine.” 


“Marina - Congratulations on a wonderful interview explaining your gifts. Great promotion for the book and the workshop - HOW EXCITING!!!” 

“Absolutely fantastic, one of my best Monday nights ever. You were lucid, calm, professional… Wow, I have run out of superlatives… It was excellent and you were brilliant!”

“You were WON-DER-FUL! I LOVED the program, I LOVED you on the program and SHE loved you on the program! You really, really touched her… I’m so excited, SO excited… you were fantastic, just fantastic… you said it SO well.”

To collaborate with me:

©2019 Marina Pinto Miller PhD
Created by Luca and Marina Pinto

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